ISRO reached at south pole of Moon using Chandrayaan-3

ISRO(Indian Space Research Organization) made history with Soft Landing on Moon on 23 August 2023 at it’s age of 54. After 40 days of journey Chandrayaan-3 reached the pole of Moon. Chandrayaan-3 started it’s journey on 14 July 2023 and touched Lunar's surface near about 300 km from south pole when the time was 6.04pm on according to Indian Standard Time (IST) on 23rd August 2023. India along with ISRO became the first country in the world to achieve this success than others.


According to ISRO the Main objectives of Chandrayaan-3 are:

1. To demonstrate Safe and Soft Landing on Lunar Surface

2. To demonstrate Rover roving on the moon and

3. To conduct in-situ scientific experiments.

According to the science a full day on Moon take 24 days in Earth. That means the time between sunrise and sunset on Moon is equal to 14 days in Earth. During these 14 days the Lander and Rover will be able to generate it’s power from sun light by solar panels installed on its head. The Rover, which will successfully flowed out from Lander Bikram will conduct the survey during 14 days on lunar surface. Rover Progyaan will share the information with Ladner and Lander will send it to ISRO on Earth.


Chandrayaan-3 is a project of mission Moon. From 2008 team ISRO was trying to find out reality hidden on Moon. That is why their first attempt, Chandrayaan-1 was succeed and send some images where the exist of water is clear. Subsequently they declared their second mission Chandrayaan-2 targeting to land on south pole of Moon, where no one can reached. But this attempt was unsuccessful. Almost 2.5km from Lunar surface it lost communication with ISRO.

After 4 years of hard working when it was 75 years of independence they launched another mission Chandrayaan-3 on July 14, 2023. Atlast on 23 August 2023 it touch south pole of Moon successfully by landing softly. It was made with indigenous technology.

Chandrayaan-3, which has the capability of soft landing on south pole of Lunar surface is a follow-on mission of Chandrayaan-2. The budget of Chandrayaan-3 was only ₹ 615 Cr, which is less ₹363 Cr than mission Chandrayaan-2.


Chandrayaan-3 consisted three parts 1. Rover Module 2. Lander Module(LM) and 3. Propulsion Module(PM). The main function of PM was to carried the LM from launch vehicle injection till final Lunar 100 km circular polar orbit and separate the LM from PM. LM had the capability of soft landing and then deploy the Rover on the Lunar Surface.

Rover and Lander was made with multiple camera, which helped to research about soil. Tough the main target was find out the existence of water but they also try to discover the fact about invention of Moon. They will confirm about weather, climates and minerals present in the Lunar soil.


Now an important question can be arise in our mind will they come back to Earth? Or will they stay forever on the Moon? ISRO answered, they will not come back to Earth. Because it will not possible for them to regenerate their power after freezing cool night. Their equivalents will be damaged and may be they can die at their workplace. Because after 14 days later when night comes, the temperature of south pole of Moon falls down near almost -300° F. ISRO said Chandrayaan-3 was designed only for the 14 days. And it is better not to imagine about their survive. If they survive and regenerate the power and recreate communication with us after the long time of freezing cool night, it will be the surprise for us.

Chandrayaan-3 Rover Progyan ramped down from Lander Bikram's belly to the Lunar surface video 

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